的 college exploration process is an exciting and important time for your family. 的 University of Arkansas – Fort Smith recognizes that family plays an important role in a student's college selection and their success throughout their college career. One of the goals of the Office of 新生和家庭项目 is to introduce 新学生和家庭了解校园提供的服务和项目.
的 most important role you can play in this process is listening to and supporting 你的学生. 帮助他们完成申请流程和申请资金 包括奖学金在内的援助. 同时,鼓励他们保持专注 高中学业.
Stay up-to-date with all of the activities on campus and share in 你的学生's Lion 通过注册我们的狮子家庭通讯来体验. 你会收到及时的信息 菲律宾十大网赌网站即将到来的事件,重要的注册截止日期,以及更多. 登记 免费的 & 您可以随时退订. 通过点击时事通讯注册注册 button.
- 参加当地的大学博览会,开始收集大学信息.
- Junior/Senior year — Contact us for information, admissions timelines, and to schedule 校园参观. 参加由你的高中和/或UAFS举办的经济援助研讨会.
- 为每一所考虑的大学准备一份档案.
- 尽早参加ACT和/或SAT考试来申请奖学金. 测试前的夏天 大四和初秋的时候是推荐的.
- Senior year — Start applying for federal and state aid by submitting your FAFSA and 你的奖学金申请. 注意截止日期,比如UAFS优先奖学金 11月的最后期限. 15. 家长可以通过观看来帮助学生完成这个过程 截止日期和提供所需材料. 享受孩子的高中生活 帮助他们为大学生活做准备.
的re are a variety of services available to help students succeed in the classroom. 的 戈登凯利学术成功中心(ASC), located in the Vines Building, provides a variety of 免费的 services including math labs, a writing center, group tutoring, and computer support programs for a wide range 的课程. ASC通过小型学术研讨会提供许多学术支持服务 such as note-taking, time management, and study skills to individual and group tutoring to assist students with specific challenges of the course content and the student's 总体大学经历.
5便士到期.m. 在上课前公布的付款截止日期. 付款期限可在 登记的日历. 付款可以通过借记卡、信用卡或个人支票进行. 名义上 fee, students have the option of setting up an installment plan during the fall and 春季学期. 夏天不能分期付款.
我们希望你的学生在他们的课程上取得成功,所以我们已经实施了一个 学术预警计划! 教师可以启动学术预警,如果学生 is having academic problems in a course such as missing classes, poor test scores, 需要额外的技能支持,如记笔记等. 学生将获得 an academic alert providing feedback on their progress and will be encouraged to see 他们的老师或顾问需要额外的帮助.
是的. 就业服务中心为UAFS学生和毕业生提供全方位的就业机会 就业指导. 专业人员将在各个领域为学生提供建议 such as coordinating internships, full-time and part-time employment, and providing 求职协助,简历和面试研讨会.
UAFS makes every effort to offer equal educational opportunities for all students. To ensure a total university experience for students with disabilities, we seek to provide reasonable accommodations and services for students who have physical, emotional, 或者学习障碍. 这个项目的基本理念是提供支持, where possible, that will maximize each student’s opportunities for academic success. 参观 ADA服务页面 了解更多信息.
UAFS是阿肯色州最大的实时网络课程提供商之一. 我们提供 a variety of alternative delivery methods to meet the growing needs of our diverse 学生人数,包括在线、晚间和周末课程. 我们的许多将军 教育课程在网上提供. 请注意,但是,交替交付 classes are often the first to fill, so students should register as early as possible.
No. 我们所有的课程都由专业教师授课. 我们的教授认为 安排好办公时间,这样他们就可以在课堂外帮助学生. 由于 we’re a learning-centered rather than research-driven institution, the number one 教师的首要任务是确保UAFS学生接受优质教育.
是的. 的 住房和居住生活办公室 is committed to creating a residential community that supports a vibrant learning 在UAFS的经验. 该大学目前提供两种校内住宿选择:
狮子穴宿舍楼 首页 to primarily first-year students, the Lion's Den is a sustainable design and features Living and Learning Communities focused on student success and civic engagement. Residents enjoy a variety of suite-style room options including one-, two-, and three-bedroom 平面图,每个宽敞的套房可容纳四到五人. 便利设施包括 fully furnished rooms, "loftable" extra-long twin beds, community lounges, safety 还有安全功能,以及住宅编程. 酒店内有餐饮设施 students with flexible meal plans in a setting that is both convenient and comfortable. 餐厅是一个自助式的设施,有几个健康的选择.
〇Sebastian Commons公寓 Sebastian Commons is an exclusive apartment community that offers a unique student 有住宿经验的高年级学生. 公寓的布局 包括一卧室,两卧室和四卧室的平面图. 设施包括所有基本设施 paid, full kitchen, individual rooms, queen-size beds, gated parking, a sand volleyball 球场,篮球场现场. 所有房间都配备了扩展基本电缆 还有互联网服务.
Laundry facilities are located on-site in both Sebastian Commons and the Lion’s Den. 有关任何一种设施的信息,请致电479-788-7340与住房办公室联系.
Officers of the 大学警察 Department patrol campus buildings and parking lots 一天24小时,包括周末和节假日. 根据请求,UPD还提供 security escort for students who are walking alone on campus at night or a jump start 学生需要协助驾驶车辆吗. 这两项服务都是免费的 电荷.
Whether students choose to take in a show, watch a battle between two nationally ranked athletic teams, or just relax with friends at a movie, campus life at UAFS offers 适合每个人的东西. 我们的体育项目有男子棒球,女子排球, 还有男子和女子篮球、越野、网球和高尔夫. UAFS有超过 100 student organizations including an active Campus Activities Board and Student 政府协会. 我们的学生整个学期都在爵士乐队表演, 音乐会唱诗班,声乐爵士,交响乐团,和戏剧作品.